Who are Some Contemporary Delta Blues Artists Keeping the Tradition Alive Today?


We’ve Come Too Far To Be Gone by Shemekia Copeland

It’s remarkable to see the vibrant and diverse array of contemporary artists dedicated to keeping the Delta Blues tradition alive.

Each artist brings a unique approach and personal touch to this rich musical genre ensuring that the legacy of Delta Blues continues to evolve while staying rooted in its original spirit.

Keb’Mo, Shemekia Copeland, Rory Block. Eric Bib, Guy Davis, Corey Harris, Alvin Youngblood Hart, Taj Mahal, Luther Dickinson, and Cedric Burnside are contemporary artists keeping the Delta Blues tradition alive today.

Keb’ Mo is Keeping the Delta Blues Tradition Alive Today.

Background: Keb Mo’, whose real name is Kevin Moore, has been a prominent figure in the blues scene since the early 1990s.

Musical Style: He is known for his post-modern Blues, blending traditional Delta Blues with contemporary sounds including folk, rock, and even pop.

This fusion creates a unique sound that appeals to a broad audience.

Notable Works: Albums like ‘”Keb’ Mo” and “Just Like You” are perfect examples of his style, showcasing both traditional blues elements and modern sensibilities.

Shemekia Copeland is Keeping the Delta Blues Tradition Alive Today.

Vocal Power: Shemekia is celebrated for her strong, soulful voice that effortlessly conveys the emotional depth of the blues.

Modern Interpretation: She often infuses classic Delta Blues with modern themes and issues, reflecting current societal challenges.

Albums to Explore: “Turn the Heat Up” and “Wicked” are great introductions to her powerful vocal style and contemporary blues approach.

Rory Block is Keeping the Delta Blues Tradition Alive Today.

Career Dedication: Rory Blick has spent decades immersed in the Delta Blues tradition, mastering the classic styles of legendary blues artists.

Authenticity in Music: She is known for her authentic acoustic blues sound, capturing the raw, emotional essence of early blues music.

Recommendations: Her albums “A Woman’s Soul” and “Prove it on Me” are testaments to her dedication to traditional blues.

Eric Bibb is Keeping the Delta Blues Tradition Alive Today.

Blending Genres: Eric Bibb’s music is a blend of Delta Blues, folk, and gospel, creating a sound that is both traditional and contemporary.

International Influence: Having lived in various countries, his music also reflects a global perspective on the blues.

Key Albums: “Home to Me” and “Global Griot” illustrate his ability to connect musical traditions. .

Guy Davis is Keeping the Delta Blues Tradition Alive Today.

Multifaceted Talent: Besides being a musician, Gary Davis is an accomplished actor, author, and teacher, bringing a rich narrative quality to his music.

Preserving Blues Heritage: He focuses on acoustic blues, keeping the stories and sounds of the old blues alive.

Essential Listening: His album “Kokomo Kidd” showcases his storytelling prowess and deep;p blues roots.

Corey Harris is Keeping the Delta Blues Tradition Alive Today.

Exploring Roots: Corey Harris stands out for his exploration of the African roots of the blues, traveling, and studying traditional African music.

Authenticity and Evolution: His music is a deep dive into the origins of blues, offering both authenticity and a contemporary perspective.

Noteworthy Albums: “Between Midnight and Day” and “Zion Crossroads” highlight his unique blend of Delta and African influences.

Alvin Youngblood Hart is Keeping the Delta Blues Tradition Alive Today.

Musical Versatility: Hart’s music spans a wide range of genres. from Delta Blues to rock. country and beyond.

Reimagining Blues: He interprets blues classics with a fresh approach while also composing original material.

Recommended Works: His album “Motivational Speaker” showcases his diverse influences and innovative style.

Taj Mahal is Keeping the Delta Blues Tradition Alive Today.

Legendary Status: A veteran in the blues scene, Taj Mahal has been influential in broadening the scope of the blues.

Eclectic Influences: His music incorporated elements of world music, reggae, jazz, and more, making it uniquely his.

Iconic Influences: Albums like “Taj Mahal” and The Natch’l Blues” are essential for understanding his impact on modern blues.

Luther Dickenson is Keeping the Delta Blues Tradition Alive Today.

Hill Country Blues: As a member of the North Mississippi Allstars, Dickenson is pivotal in promoting Mississippi Hill Country Blues, a close relative of Delta Blues.

Musical Heritage: He grew up in a musical family, absorbing the blues tradition from a young age.

Key Recordings: Albums like ” Shake Hands With Shorty” capture the essence of hill Country Blues.

Cedric Burnside is Keeping the Delta Blues Tradition Alive Today.

Family Legacy: Grandson of the legendary R.L. Burnside, Cedric carries on the family tradition of Hill Country Blues.

Drumming and Guitar: Known for his powerful drumming and guitar playing he brings a raw energetic style to the blues.

Albums to Check Out: His album “Benton County Relic” is a great example of his gritty, rhythmic blues style.


These artists through their individual talent and unique approaches, are not just preserving the Delta Blues, they are actively enriching and expanding its boundaries, ensuring that this foundational American music genre remains relevant and resonant in the modern era.

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