About Us

The History and Culture of Blues Music

Thanks for coming to my site. In case we haven’t met yet, I’m Dale and I am the publisher of this website. you can learn more about me in the “About Me” section in the left sidebar of the Homepage. Just click the following link Nothngbuttheblues.com

The original name of the site was going to be “Nothing But the Blues”. However, after I bought the domain name as stated writing blog posts, I discovered the documentary “Nothing But the Blues” about Eric Clapton. If someone is looking for my site and clicks on Nothing But The Blues, they are going to get several pages about EC and will probably give up before they get to me. I am a very big fan of Eric Clapton, I have been to 2 of his concerts in St. Louis but I wasn’t real fond of him blocking access to ne in all of the search engines,.So, I kept the URL (because I think it is cool) but I changed the name of my site to “The History and Culture of Blues Music.

What I’m Trying to Accomplish With This Blog

This is not a blog about “How to Play the Blues. There are plenty of websites that do this and do it very well. I will talk about some of them in a later blog post. I am trying to do a very deep dive into the lives customs, and events that have shaped Blues Music into the wonderful genre we have today.

I am treating each post as an individual essay and each subheading as an individual essay in its own right. I know that information gets repeated but I want to make sure the readers are getting what they are searching for. I try to include new information in each post. I will use a lot of AI-generated images because I don’t want to get involved in any type of copywriter infringement issues. I have, however, made a road trip down to the Mississippi Delta and got a lot of pictures that I will be able to use in the Delta Blues category

Once again thank you for visiting the site and please leave comments. I welcome any constructive criticism and would love to hear what you like about the site.